I was so grateful the CIP organised the hikoi to Paekākāriki/Escarpment track. I’m usually studying off campus and I was excited for the opportunity to spend some time with other Māori psychology tauira and the CIP staff on this whanaungatanga trip.
For me whanaungatanga is about connections and belonging which comes through spending time, sharing knowledge and experiences together. Being off campus can be isolating and sometimes the academic space can feel a bit foreign to me. I think it’s important for tauira to feel a sense of whanaungatanga within the university. The more I come into the CIP and build my connections the more I feel a sense of belonging there. I have found it easier to engage and ask for help, felt there are people to tautoko me, and am building meaningful relationships.
The whole day with the CIP allowed opportunities to build on this connection. I really appreciated the CIP organising a car so some of us could travel over together as we had a lot of laughs and I got to know Ariana, Deanna and Rach better. It was awesome to kōrero about the paths we’re all on, share our experiences, ask some of the questions that only other students can answer, and to talk about life in general.
I also appreciated strengthening my relationships with the staff I already know. It was great to have the time to talk not only about study-related topics but also more personal ones and to find connections outside the academic world.
It was nice amongst the students that we’re all at different points with our studies. I had some awesome kōrero reflecting on courses I’ve done and my journey so far. It was also lovely to hear the whakaaro of students who have been through what I’m doing this year, to find commonalities in our experiences and hear their wisdom.
Getting outside and experiencing a sense of achievement together was awesome. The hike was a good mix of enjoyable but challenging, the weather was beautiful and I think we even saw some whales. I’m looking forward to the next whanaungatanga trip!
Masters thesis student