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Kia ora Koutou,

Ko Ashleigh Te-Aroha Witehira toku Ingoa, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi.

It is an understatement to say that I have learned a lot, when really It feels like I have a whole new brain of information and it’s only my first year.

This year for me has been one of the highlights of my life as I have finally been able to start the journey towards my passion, psychology. Being a young mum of twins at the age of seventeen has meant my educational journey came to a sudden halt when I found out I was pregnant. Due to past issues I didn’t have all my NCEA levels, and when my kids were three weeks old, I put myself back into school, a teen parent unit called Rangiatea, and completed my NCEA levels 2 and 3 along with university entrance and other useful qualifications as well as holding

down a job. Getting to the point where I am finally at university has been a dream come true and everything, I have worked for is now at my feet.

This year I have learned a lot about not only psychology but also myself. I learned how to manage my workload as a full-time student and still had the capacity to be a present mother and partner to my family. Having a set routine and times where study is crucial helped a lot, as well as incorporating exercise into my daily routine, helped keep my mind sharp and clear it from any study stress I was having. A good support system was also important around my studies. My parents and partner were amazing with helping with the kids when I had assessments, exams or needed a break if things were overwhelming.

This was also a year for me for reconnecting with my Māori identity. Although most of my family a fluent in Te Reo, I had never picked up the language or engaged fully in Māori studies. With amazing support from Ariana and Te Ra, I was able to reengage with my Māori identity and take the first step towards learning Te Reo.

Overall, my first year of university was both rewarding, challenging and fulfilling as I am one step closer to my dream career and where my passion lies.

Ashleigh Witehira

First Year Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology

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